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What people say


“This country is crying out for Parliamentarians that vigorously represent the interests of the poor – who are indeed the real majority – and I have no doubt that [Zackie] will be truly effective in doing so with [his] sharp strategic abilities, [his] undoubted commitment and long years of experience (and success) in the struggle terrain. We need voices in Parliament that we can trust and believe in and I hope others will step up as [he is] doing to give teeth to a lifeless Parliament which ought to be a central pillar of our democracy, and that for too long has often been rendered toothless, aimless and full of empty theatrics signifying nothing. I salute you, Zackie, and all those who commit to making Parliament a happening space for the poor. Aluta continua!”

Barbara Hogan - former Minister of Health and of Public Enterprises
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